Surabaya’s shopping festival is heating up! Let’s participate with Rejeki Raya

Surabaya's Shopping Festival 2024

Surabaya’s shopping festival in 2024 will be held earlier, from March 15, 2024 to April 30, 2024. In addition to March 15 being World Consumer Rights Day, SSF which is usually held to commemorate Surabaya’s birthday, this time it was held at the same time to celebrate the momentum of Ramadan.

Soesandi Ismawan, Head of the Trade Business Development Division of the Surabaya City Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperatives and Trade, said that the enthusiasm of business associations in Surabaya City this year has increased rapidly. Because, a number of business associations also enlivened the SSF 2024 event.

Until now, preparations for the implementation of SSF 2024 have reached 100 percent, all business actors in the city of Surabaya are ready to enliven SSF 2024. And, there are also interesting events prepared, such as the Muslim fashion exhibition.

“There are 8 associations joining to enliven the 17th SSF, including associations of cafe and restaurant entrepreneurs, retail, travel agents, hotels, to hospitals and clinics. They are all compact in offering discounts and promo packages to support the event,” said Soesandi Ismawan, Thursday (7/3/2023).

SSF 2024

Therefore, along with the momentum of Ramadan and Eid holidays, the Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) hopes that SSF 2024 will attract more tourists to visit the City of Heroes. This is because hotel associations and travel agents also provide overnight promos and prepare transportation fleets to tourist destinations in Surabaya.

In addition to shopping and traveling, hospitals and health and beauty clinics also provide attractive promos. For example, health check-up packages, treatment services, laboratory tests, and beauty treatments.

“Another involvement is from retail associations. They offer shopping discounts of up to 50 percent. So this SSF targets all the needs of the people of Surabaya. Thus, the economy in Surabaya can move and all levels of society can feel it,” he said.

Fairway Nine Mall's Participation

Fairway Nine Mall as one of the malls in Surabaya participated in the Surabaya Shopping Festival with the name Rejeki Raya which is a special program for Fairway Nine Mall customers. Customers can redeem their shopping receipts to the Ground Floor customer service to get SSF coupons.